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How to Start Reducing Your Toxic Load

Chances are you've seen the movement towards more clean options; clean beauty, organic produce, non toxic cleaning supplies etc. but do you actually understand why it is so important?

Toxic load refers to the total accumulation of harmful stressors within our body at one time. It's what we eat, drink, think, breathe, apply as well as where and how we live.

Research shows how exposure to these chemicals compromise our health. A combination of heavy metals, artificial ingredients, pesticides and countless other toxins wreak havoc on our systems every single day. It's when our natural processes are blocked that symptoms arise as signals to be listened to, not covered and dismissed.

Toxic load can manifest as countless symptoms commonly associated with many chronic illnesses.

My goal is to bring awareness to the harmful products and ingredients that stock our shelves and consume our lives effortlessly.

Please understand, there is no such thing as a toxin free life. I'm sorry if I'm the first to tell you but it is absolutely impossible to be toxin free in today's world. Hopefully that comes as a relief because in my experience, chasing perfection is exhausting.

We are literally born with some of these chemicals in our bodies now because of how ingrained they have become in our world. Studies show the placenta is a target for PFAS or forever chemicals which significantly contribute to adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes. Other health concerns include decreased immune response, sognitive impairment, hormone interference and some cancers. I highly recommend the documentary The Devil We Know on Netflix for a deeper look inside this toxin!

Reducing your toxic burden by choosing safe and clean products for your home and family has a substantial impact. This study shows abnormal cancer cells turned back to normal in just 4 weeks of choosing cleaner options.

The goal is to lessen the load and support your body's detox pathways (more on that later).

So how do you start?

When getting started low-tox living can be incredibly overwhelming. I remember feeling like everything I grew up on and love is toxic.

It's important to keep in mind that everyone's priorities are different. Making changes toward a healthier environment and lifestyle that works best for your family is all that matters. I've tried to speak from the standard American issues and keep my list pretty universal but I'm always available to talk specifics 1:1.

The key is one step or product at a time.

Going through each room and throwing everything away is not the answer!!

Remember: Stress is the most toxic factor of all.

Think of this like you would any other life change, its about the journey.

More importantly it is a lifestyle, not a fad.

You'll find there are many paths and one is not better than the next.

Personally I've found that swapping out products as you finish them is the best route to take, and my clients agree. This way you have time to research brands and ingredients as you start running low so you know what you want to buy (or make) when you run out.

Top swaps to make:

1. Buy USDA Organic certified

Switching to organic foods after the world started moving towards genetically modified evvvverything was an easy decision. Food is meant to fuel our bodies, nutrition just like health can't be found in a lab. GMO is also referred to as bio engineered ingredients on today's labels. I live 80/20 meaning I prioritize meats and pantry items as well as the dirty dozen produce, I'm not perfect but I'm aware.

From very early on in my own healing journey I found the food I ate directly affected how I felt. I love talking about functional nutrition but to sum it up very quickly- you quite literally are what you eat. Whatever you're fueling your body with or neglecting it of is exactly what is powering your body to function on a daily basis. You cant feed it processed chemicals and expect to operate like an Olympian.

Seafood shouldn't be farmed just like meat isn't meant to be printed - nutrition is formed through natural habits and diet that compliment our bodies growth.

Buying the Organic label means you are protecting yourself from over 700 chemicals allowed in the conventional farming and manufacturing process.

USDA Organic is regulated, prohibiting the use of antibiotics and synthetic hormones as well as chemical fertilizers, irradiation, synthetics, GMO and sewage sludge. Non Gmo project label still allows all of this)

& no,cannot you just wash all of that off (someone always asks). These chemicals are embedded in the process, the same as your clothes, it's in the soil just as they are in the fibers.

After focusing on buying Organic, I realized how many ingredients are allowed in American food but banned in other countries. Since then I've also tossed seed oils and food dyes that are found in countless products yet contain no nutritional value!

2. Fragrance!!! This probably should have been number one.

If you're a person who prefers to dive in instead of swapping one product at a time - THIS is the one.

Fragrance, invades your whole house. Your kitchen, your bathroom, your laundry, your bedroom, your whole world. Fragrance is everywhere.

It sounds harmless, just a pleasant scent to compliment everyday products, right? I thought so, too.

Multiple research studies link fragrances to a number of health risks.

The National Academy of Sciences stated that about 95% of chemicals used to make synthetic fragrances are made from petroleum and known carcinogens.

Manufacturers are not required to list their ingredients on labels. The word 'fragrance' can hide hundreds of toxic ingredients because they are considered to be trade secrets. The chemicals used are classified as allergens, hormone disruptors, neurotoxins, carcinogrens and asthma triggers.

Phthalates are one of the most commonly used chemicals. Health risks for phthalates include human reproductive and development toxicity, cancer, birth defects and respiratory problems.

There's a reason people who work in infertility labs are not allowed to wear perfume, fragrances, use synthetic scented hand soaps or lotions.

Please get rid of candles and plug ins. Natural fragrance is not natural, it's marketing.

If you are a candle lover look for 100% beeswax, tallow or coconut with hemp, cotton or wood wicks. Be careful of blends, this is how they sneak paraffin in.

There are also incredible simmer pot recipes you can try!

Key areas to make a clean swap and get rid of the fragrance:

LAUNDRY & CLEANING - I use Truly Free

SKINCARE - I Love Herbal Alchemy

DISINFECTANT - Force of Nature

A few quick tips to make getting started easier:

  • The less ingredients the better!

  • Beware of green washing, marketing has no conscience.

  • Please don't wait for a poor annual health report to start making better choices, be PROACTIVE with your health care.

The push toward less toxic products is not just a fad. We may live in a toxic environment but we do have choices. Every step to reduce your body's toxic burden is a step towards wellness I strongly believe with more awareness, together we can advocate and help raise the current standards.

You can see more of my favorite clean swaps here.

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