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Functional Medicine is
an evolution in healthcare. 

Have you felt like something was off in your body yet

conventional medicine told you that everything checks out?

Traditional methods are based on the average population with a disease-centered focus prioritizing symptom maintenance.


Functional Medicine is an integrative, science-based approach to healthcare focused on the prevention and reversal of chronic illness. It's patient-centered and root cause driven, addressing each individual as a whole not as an isolated set of systems.

Seeking to restore, repair and rebuild your innate balance.



         of adults

have at least one chronic health condition

40% have 2+


       Million Americans 

are living with autoimmune conditions 


Chronic disease

accounts for       

     of all healthcare costs, we need to approach things differently   


Worldwide, chronic disease

is the leading

cause of death.

Conventional Medicine's penchant for managing and suppressing symptoms with procedures and pills, should be replaced

with the functional medicine model, which seeks to identify the root causes that give rise to these symptoms. We're at a

serious transition point. Functional medicine is the type of medicine that will be the future of healthcare. - Dr. Mark Hyman 


Lab wok


Optimal ranges

Functional Medicine lab ranges are much more narrow for the goal of optimal health. Standard ranges

are based on the average population, where the majority of people are sick, overweight and unhealthy. 


Functional Medicine views you as a whole, where your mind and body are connected and communicating with all systems. Conventional medicine assigns specialists to each body part, individually.

Root cause

Functional Medicine labs provide further insight as to why dysfunction is occurring, where as conventional medicine focuses on identifying the disease or pathology and treating the symptoms. 


Functional Medicine labs are proactive, detecting deficiencies and imbalances before they become a problem. Conventional medicine waits until biomarkers are out of their wide range to diagnose and then offer treatment. 


Functional Medicine puts you in control by addressing your nutrition, lifestyle and environment and then retesting to make any necessary adjustments. Conventional medicine labels and treats usually with either pharmaceuticals or surgery. Insurance is in charge of what you can get (which never sat right with me).

Functional Lab work is included with my 3 month realignment program. 

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